hRELEASE 2.0 - For any ASCII printer pCollst is copyright protected. If you like Collst and use it qyou must license it with On-Disk Software. Print file license rby entering ±COPY LICENSE PRN: vIf someone has deleted file LICENSE please write On-Disk and wlet us know. We will let you know about current releases and xhow to get the latest copy. uOn-Disk Software vP.O. Box 661 wLincoln, MA 01773 USA nCollst lists files onto any printer, making full use of the oprinter's width. For full run instructions, please consult pthe documentation, which is available on the Collst installa- qtion disk. To obtain a new installation disk, write to: gOn-Disk Software, P.O. Box 661 │Lincoln, MA 01773 USA ╞File: [*]help0101 ╚ Printer Width:[#]help0102 ù Columns(1 to 12):[#]help0103 ╔ List Keywords (Y,N):[YyNn]help0104 ÿPause between Pages:[YyNn]help0105 ╩Number the lines (Y,N):[YyNn]help0106 ÖWrap or Trunc.(W,T):[TtWw]help0107 ╦ First Page:[*]help0108 Ü Last Page:[*]help0109 ╠Print the Header (Y,N):[YyNn]help0110 hSCREEN 2 - Internal List Commands ┐ Page Break:[*]help0201 └Column Break:[*]help0202 Ä List On:[*]help0203 ÅList Off:[*]help0204 ├ Title:[*]help0205 ─ Subtitle:[*]help0206 ┼Subtitle 2:[*]help0207 ╟Include Key:[*]help0208 ╩Use Internal List Commands(Y or N): [YyNn]help0209 hSCREEN 3 - Page Layout ┐Page Length:[#]help0301 ÄForm Feed:[YyNn]help0302 ┴Column Number:[*]help0303 ÉColumn Start position:[*]help0303 ├Output file:[*]help0305 òPrinter Initialization ╞Characters:[*]help0306 kHelp for filename: Please enter the name of the file you wish lto print. Collst will print whatever file you enter. You also mmust enter the drive, unless it is the default drive. oExamples qText Collst will look for d:TEXT. ╖where d: is the default drive. tB:TEST.BAS Collst will look for B:TEST.BAS vBATCH command: SET file=B:TEST.BAS kHelp for printer width: Collst will print using whatever widthlyou choose. You can use any printer width from 80 up to 255. mEnter a number from 80 to 255 tBATCH command: SET linew={nnn} vnnn is from 80 to 255 kHelp for columns selection: Collst will print 1 to 12 columns.lAny number from 1 to 12 is an acceptable answer here. Natural-mly, the more columns, the fewer characters per column. tBATCH command: SET cols={nn} vnn is from 1 to 12 kHelp for List Keywords: The keywords, or internal commands, lcan either be listed or removed when they are encountered in myour text. Ordinarily they are listed. You can have them ig- nnored by answering N or n for no. tBATCH command: SET keylist=Off èHelp for Pause between Pages: Pause between pages will stop prÿinting at the end ïof each page. This is to let people with cut sheet feeders insÖert a new page îbefore continuing. Ordinarily the pause is turned off, which iÜs best for ìpinfeed paper or for automatic cut sheet feeders. |BATCH command: SET pgpause=On kHelp for numbering the lines. Ordinarily the text is put out lon the printer without line numbers. You may tell Collst to mnumber each line by entering Y here. tBATCH command: SET number=On kHelp for Wrap or Truncate. Wrap means to continue on the next lline, any line which is too long. Truncate means to chop the mline off when the available space runs out. In either case, ifna line is wrapped or truncated, a minus sign is added to the oend of the line. Specify W or w to wrap the lines, and T or t pto truncate them. tBATCH command: SET trunc=On kHelp for Start Page. Collst will skip up to whatever page is lentered here. The default is naturally 1. You may enter any mnumber up to the page stop value. tBATCH command: SET pgstart={nnnnn} vWhere nnnnn is any number from 1 to 32000 kHelp for Last Page. Collst will skip after whatever page is lentered here. The default is 32000. You may enter any number mup to 32000. tBATCH command: SET pglast={nnnnn} vWhere nnnnn is any number from pagestart to 32000 kHelp for Header. The header information is several lines of linformation printed at the top of each page. It has the title,msubtitle, page number and the date and time of printing. If nyou turn the header Off, you get an additional 5 lines per opage. qEnter OFF here to turn it off. tBATCH command: SET head=Off kHelp for Page Break Keyword. A page break command can be lanywhere in the file being listed. Enter the characters used mto tell Collst to give you a new page. rBATCH command: SET page=PAGE kHelp for Column Break. Column breaks tell Collst to start llisting at the top of the next column or next page if Collst mis already using the last column. oEnter the characters which you wish to tell Collst to make a pcolumn break. tBATCH command: SET colbrk=$COLBRK kHelp for List On. Enter the characters which you would like toluse to make Collst resume listing. pBATCH command: SET Liston=.List kHelp for List Off. Enter the characters which tell Collst to lstop listing. δExamples pBATCH command: SET Listoff=.Xlist kHelp for Title. The title can be entered from the file being llisted. Enter the key characters used in the file to identify ma title field. In BASIC for example, $TITLE: is used; in nMacro, TITLE is used. In either case the next field surroun- oded by apostrophes will be used for a title. ∩Examples oBATCH command: SET title=$TITLE:' |Option 1: If the first character is an ' you enter the title }directly, whatever you type will be the title. Option 2: If the last character is an ' (and the first isn't) Çthen Collst will look for a title surrounded by apostrophes. kHelp for Subtitle. The subtitle can be used for a formal lsubtitle or for other clarifying information. Enter into this mfield the characters used to identify a subtitle, as with the ntitle command. Subtitle doesn't cause a page or column break. oThe new subtitle will print at the next page break. oBATCH command: SET subt=$SUBTITLE:' |Subtitle has the same two options using apostrophes as the }title command uses. kHelp for Subtitle 2. The second subtitle will appear on the lthird line of the header. The format and options are the same mas for the initial subtitle or the title. ∩Examples oBATCH command: SET subt2=$SUBTITLE2:' kHelp for Include Key. Some files, particularly source code, lhave "included" files. These files are inserted right into themprimary file just as if they are part of it. This field sets nthe keyword for indicating that a file ought to be included. oThe file to be included must be in the default directory of pwhichever drive is to be used. r Note that Includes can only be 6 levels deep. qBATCH command: SET include=$Include:' kHelp for Ignore Internal Commands. Sometimes it is desirable lto list a file entirely without formatting. This will do just mthat. Any Page or List-on or other listing commands which are ninside the file will be ignored if you set this command to o"N0". tBATCH command: SET intcom=Off to ignore commands. èHelp for Page Length: You may be using a page length of other ÿthan 66 lines. îCollst needs a minimum value of 6, and so you may enter any vaÜlue from 6 to ì127. The default is 66 lines per page. sBATCH command: SET fmlen=nnn nwhere nnn is between 6 and 127. èHelp for Form Feed: Form Feeds force the printer to skip to thÿe top of the next ïpage or form. If you set the page length at less than the actuÖal length pf the îform, you should specify Y for yes here. This will let ColLst Üskip to the top ìof the next page. Specifying a "short" page length and using f¢orm feeds is a way Äof printing with a top and bottom margin. ÉIf every other page of your output is blank, probably you have₧ specified form æfeed but you haven't reduced your page length for ColLst. |BATCH command: set ffeed=On èHelp for Column Number and Column Start Position: You may repoÿsition any ïcolumn. First you enter the number of the column (1 - 12). TheÖ next field asks îfor the new start position of the column. For instance if you Üwished to have a ì5 space right margin, just enter 1 for the column number, and ¢then 6 for the Äcolumn postion. ÉIf you enter a zero for the column number, ColLst will reposit₧ion all the æcolumns after the first so that they have equal amounts of spaƒce. ôIf you try to use too many columns, or position the columns toío closely, ColLst öwill correct the entries. ColLst insists upon at least 9 positóions for each òcolumn. |BATCH command: SET colpos=nn1,nn2,nn3, ... ,nn12 ·where each nnn is greater than the previous one by at least 9.èHelp for output file: The output file is usually the printer, ÿ or LPT1: However, ïif you wish to assign a disk file, or a serial printer, enter Öthe output îfilename here. sBATCH command: SET outfile=filename (or dev:) èHelp for printer initialization: Some printers need to be set ÿto certain modes. ïFor instance you may often wish to set an MX-80 to compressed Öbefore running îColLst. On some machines you may do this once after booting. OÜn others you must ìset the printer for every program. ÉThis field lets you enter printer initialization characters di₧rectly or the æname of a file with the printer initialization characters. If ƒyou enter the Æcharacters directly, enter an apostrophe and then the decimal ánumber for the ôcharacters and separate them by a comma. E.g. setting an MX-80í to compressed örequires an Escape E: · '27,69<enter> ÿYou may enter up to 60 keystrokes in this field. xBATCH command: SET prinit=filename (or 'ddd,ddd,ddd ...) ╨